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× Vom Kauzen und Keckern: Das Leben von heimischen Wildtieren im Jahresverlauf. Ein Kinder-Wissensbuch ab 8 Jahren über die faszinierende Tierwelt unserer Wälder, Wiesen und Felder | Verena Heidecker Vom Kauzen und Keckern: Das Leben von heimischen Wildtieren im Jahresverlauf. Ein Kinder-Wissensbuch ab 8 Jahren über die faszinierende Tierwelt unserer Wälder, Wiesen und Felder 18,00 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - In this ready reference, a global team of experts comprehensively cover molecular and cell biology-based approaches to the impact of increasing global temperatures on crop productivity. The work is divided into four parts. Following an introduction to the general challenges for agriculture around the globe due to climate change, part two discusses how the resulting increase of abiotic stress factors can be dealt with. The third part then outlines the different strategies and approaches to address the challenge of climate change, and the whole is rounded off by a number of specific examples of improvements to crop productivity. With its forward-looking focus on solutions, this book is an indispensable help for the agro-industry, policy makers and academia. Climate Change and Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance 362,00 


Zwischensumme 380,00 

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