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× Zu Fuß Basare, Sand und Kardamom 19,90 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Was sind Ästlinge? Wie verteidigt sich der Bombardierkäfer? Und welche besondere Eigenschaft besitzt Schwefel? Mit den über 100 Fragen und Antworten in diesem handlichen Quizblock können Kinder spielerisch den Geheimnissen und Phänomenen der Natur auf den Grund gehen. Neben fundierten Antworten zu Seidenspinner, Sonnentau oder Stalagmiten sorgen tolle Fotos und eingestreutes Expertenwissen für Unterhaltung. Wer wissen möchte, ob er Einsteiger, Kenner oder bereits Experte in Sachen Flora und Fauna ist, zählt einfach die Punkte für jede richtig gegebene Antwort zusammen. Mit diesem Quizblock kommt garantiert keine Langweile auf! WAS IST WAS Quiz Natur 5,95 
× In the study of the physiological basis of animal behavior Vince Dethier has been a pioneer, a guiding star. Although his own work has centered on the blowfly and the caterpillar, his interests and influence have spread far beyond the insects. The breadth of this impact is indicated by the contributions from colleagues and former students in this volume. These papers were originally presented at a meeting to honor Vince's 70th birthday held at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in May 1985. It was attended by friends and col leagues of all ages from many parts of the world. However, the picture presented by these papers is not the whole story. What it does not show is the extent of Vince's interest and influence beyond the rigorous, though friendly, atmosphere of the research laboratory. His idyllic summers in Maine have produced studies on the natural history of feeding by insects culminating in The Tent Makers, with more to come. In these studies we see his real love and, dare we say, understanding of the insect. Vince Dethier is not concerned simply with reaching the established scientist. In To Know a Fly he reaches out to those just beginning, perhaps even to those who will never begin, and provides insight both to the experimentalist's approach and to the fun of research. His sense of fun and his elegant, fluent writing have given us, too, his tongue-in-cheek fictional writings for children of all ages. Perspectives in Chemoreception and Behavior 149,99 


Zwischensumme 195,74 

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