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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Adaptive management is the recommended means for continuing ecosystem management and use of natural resources, especially in the context of ‘integrated natural resource management’. Conceptually, adaptive management is simply learning from past management actions to improve future planning and management. However, adaptive management has proved difficult to achieve in practice. With a view to facilitating better practice, this new book presents lessons learned from case studies, to provide managers with ready access to relevant information. Cases are drawn from a number of disciplinary fields, including management of protected areas, watersheds and farms, rivers, forests, biodiversity and pests. Examples from Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Canada, the UK and Europe are presented at a variety of scales, from individual farms, through regional projects, to state-wide planning. While the book is designed primarily for practitioners and policy advisors in the fields of environmental and natural resource management, it will also provide a valuable reference for students and researchers with interests in environmental, natural resource and conservation management. Adaptive Environmental Management 117,69 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Soil analysis is critically important in the management of soil-based production systems. In the absence of efficient methods of soil analysis our understanding of soil is pure guesswork. Ideally the pro-active use of laboratory analysis leads to more sustainable soil productivity. Unfortunately, most of the world’s agriculture is still reactionary, waiting for obvious yield declines to occur before taking action to identify the reasons. The modern soil laboratory is pivotal to informing soil managers what adaptive practices are needed to address chemical and physical imbalances before they occur, and the intelligent adaptive use of laboratory data not only greatly speeds up and reduces the cost of empirical soil study, but can even render it unnecessary. This book provides a synopsis of the analytical procedures used for soil analysis, discussing the common physical, chemical and biological analytical methods used in agriculture and horticulture. Written by experienced experts from institutions and laboratories around the globe, it provides insights for a range of users, including those with limited laboratory facilities, and helps students, teachers, soil scientists and laboratory technicians increase their knowledge and skills and select appropriate methods for soil analysis. Soil Analysis: Recent Trends and Applications 181,89 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Füchse bleiben bei Rot an der Ampel stehen und überqueren erst bei Grün die Straße. Stadtvögel bauen Fasern von Zigarettenstummeln in ihre Nester ein, um sich vor Parasitenbefall zu schützen. Und städtische Grashüpfer zirpen in höheren Frequenzen als ihre Artgenossen auf dem Land. Stadttiere haben sich längst an den urbanen Lebensraum angepasst. Sie sind überall – auf den Straßen, in Gärten und Kellern, sie sitzen auf Bäumen oder vor unseren Fenstern, doch nur selten bemerken wir sie. Wir teilen unseren Lebensraum mit unzähligen Vogelarten, kleinen Nage- und Raubtieren wie Waschbären, Kaninchen und Igeln und einer Vielzahl von Insekten. Doch was wissen wir eigentlich über diese tierischen Nachbarn? Wo verbergen sie sich und wie wird ihr Leben von der Stadt beeinflusst? Der Biologe Christian Koch und der Bestsellerautor Axel Krohn haben sich auf einen Streifzug durch unsere Städte begeben und sind allerlei Tieren mit verblüffenden Fähigkeiten begegnet. In diesem Buch erzählen sie kenntnisreich und unterhaltsam von den genialen Tricks und Ideen, mit denen sich die Tiere an ihren Lebensraum angepasst haben. Unsere unbekannten Nachbarn 19,99 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - This open access book provides a theoretical framework and case studies on decision science for regional sustainability by integrating the natural and social sciences. The cases discussed include solution-oriented transdisciplinary studies on the environment, disasters, health, governance and human cooperation. Based on these case studies and comprehensive reviews of relevant works, including lessons learned from past failures for predictable surprises and successes in adaptive co-management, the book provides the reader with new perspectives on how we can co-design collaborative projects with various conflicts of interest and how we can transform our society for a sustainable future. The book makes a valuable contribution to the global research initiative Future Earth, promoting transdisciplinary studies to bridge the gap between science and society in knowledge generation processes and supporting efforts to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Compared to other publications on transdisciplinary studies, this book is unique in that evolutionary biology is used as an integrator for various areas related to human decision-making, and approaches social changes as processes of adaptive learning and evolution. Given its scope, the book is highly recommended to all readers seeking an integrated overview of human decision-making in the context of social transformation. Decision Science for Future Earth 53,49 


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