- Hardcover : 288 Seiten
- Verlag: Phaidon
- Autor: JR Ryall
- Auflage: 1. Auflage, erschienen am 15.09.2022
- Sprache: Englisch
- ISBN-10: 1-83866-527-7
- ISBN-13: 978-1-83866-527-2
- Vom BAfmW empfohlenes Alter: Jahren
- Größe: 20,5 x 27,0 cm
- Gewicht: Gramm
Ballymaloe Desserts, Iconic Recipes and Stories from Ireland featuring home-baked cakes, cookies, pastries, puddings, and other sensational sweets: a baking book
49,95 €
‚Ballymaloe Desserts is an extraordinary cookbook‘. – David Tanis Attainable, reliable, and inspirational recipes for the home baker from the acclaimed pastry chef at the iconic Ballymaloe House in Ireland Ballymaloe House, in County Cork, Ireland, is heralded as the birthplace of modern Irish cuisine. There, visitors are treated to acclaimed pastry chef JR Ryall’s daily array of seasonally inspired treats, wheeled through the dining room on a vintage dessert trolley. In Ballymaloe Desserts, Ryall presents 130 recipes for his award-winning confections, tested and perfected for the home baker. Eye-catching, elegant, and a bit magical, these inspiring yet accessible recipes range from the delightfully retro Ice Cream Bomb to the showstopping Irish Coffee Meringue Gâteau to a Classic Strawberry Shortcake made modern with an edgy geometric presentation. Ryall is an excellent teacher, providing clear, detailed instructions for each dish. Recipes are built to be adaptable, highlighting Ballymaloe’s commitment to seasonality and fresh local ingredients. His thoughtful advice appears throughout the book, revealing the best method for whisking egg whites, serving tips for adding major & ‚wow‘ factor, and more. Chapters and recipes include: Fruit : Compote of Green Gooseberry and Elderflower; Sugared Peaches Meringues : Almond Meringue Gâteau with Chocolate and Rum Cream Mousses, Set Creams, Jellies and Fruit Fools : Orange Mousse with Chocolate Wafers Puddings : Old-Fashioned Rice Pudding Some Biscuits and Petit Fours : Strawberries Almandine Frozen Desserts : Blackcurrant Ice Cream; Blood Orange and Passion Fruit Sorbet Pastries : Rhubarb and Custard Tart Cakes : Irish Apple Cake; Chocolate Mousse Gâteau
Über dieses Buch zum Thema Essen und Trinken
Das Buch „Ballymaloe Desserts, Iconic Recipes and Stories from Ireland featuring home-baked cakes, cookies, pastries, puddings, and other sensational sweets: a baking book“ wurde erarbeitet und verfasst von JR Ryall. Das Buch erschien am 15.09.2022 bei Phaidon.
Koch- und Rezeptbücher wie „Ballymaloe Desserts, Iconic Recipes and Stories from Ireland featuring home-baked cakes, cookies, pastries, puddings, and other sensational sweets: a baking book“ sind im Onlinebuchshop Honighäuschen in Bonn bestellbar. Die Stadt Bonn bietet mit ihren malerisch gelegenen Corona-Testzentren, pittoresk gestalteten und lehrstehenden Geschäftsimmobilen im Mix mit Billig- und Ramschläden übrigens viele schöne Motive für auf Lost-Places-Fotografie spezialisierte Fotografen. Besonders am Abend, nach Ladenschluß, warten viele Geschäftsimmobilien in der Innenstadt von Bonn zusätzlich mit dem Charme leerstehender Geisterhäuser auf, da in den über den Läden liegenden Etagen niemand mehr wohnt.
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Größe | 20,5 × 27 cm |