- Hardcover Klebebindung: 228 Seiten
- Verlag: tredition
- Autor: Leachim Sachet
- Auflage: 1. Auflage, erschienen am 17.01.2024
- Sprache: Englisch
- ISBN-10: 3-384-12071-X
- ISBN-13: 978-3-384-12071-7
- Vom BAfmW empfohlenes Alter: Italienliebhaber, Köche, Hobbyköche, Reisende, Urlauber, Touristen, Gourmets, Italofreunde, Gastgeber Jahren
- Größe: 21,0 x 14,8 cm
- Gewicht: 468 Gramm
Bella Italia: A gourmet journey through Italian cuisine The compact cookbook for all Italy lovers
Autoren:22,99 €
Welcome to this Italian cookbook that aims to offer you a culinary journey through the diverse and tempting world of Italian cuisine. Italian food is more than just a meal – it is a passion, a way of life and a source of unforgettable pleasures. Italian cuisine has evolved over centuries and is the result of a rich cultural history, a wealth of regional traditions and people’s dedication to quality ingredients. In this book I will present you some of the most famous and popular dishes that embody Italy’s culinary heritage. From the sun-drenched beaches of Sicily to the majestic Alps in the north, Italy offers a seemingly endless variety of tastes, aromas and specialties. Whether you’re a fan of pasta and pizza or enjoy the sophisticated simplicity of a bruschetta, here you’ll find recipes that will tantalize your taste buds and warm your heart. In this book I have tried to bring together a wide range of recipes from different regions of Italy. You will discover traditional dishes such as spaghetti carbonara from Rome, ravioli from Tuscany and pizza margherita from Naples. At the same time, I was also inspired by modern interpretations to offer you a contemporary touch. Italian cuisine is characterized not only by its exquisite dishes, but also by the values that underlie it. For Italians, food is an opportunity to gather, share stories and celebrate the joys of life. It is a time when family and friends come together to cook, eat and enjoy life together.
Über dieses Buch zum Thema Essen und Trinken
Das Buch „Bella Italia: A gourmet journey through Italian cuisine The compact cookbook for all Italy lovers“ wurde erarbeitet und verfasst von Leachim Sachet. Das Buch erschien am 17.01.2024 bei tredition.
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Gewicht | 468 g |
Größe | 21 × 14,8 cm |