- Softcover : 360 Seiten
- Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
- Autor: Tracy Barr
- Auflage: 1., Auflage, erschienen am 30.10.2003
- Sprache: Englisch
- ISBN-10: 0-7645-3714-8
- ISBN-13: 978-0-7645-3714-1
- Vom BAfmW empfohlenes Alter: Jahren
- Größe: 23,4 x 18,9 cm
- Gewicht: 510 Gramm
Cast Iron Cooking For Dummies
18,90 €
Nicht vorrätig
In some cooking circles, cast iron gets a bad rep – people think it’s old-fashioned, heavy, and hard to take care of. And really, how often do folks nowadays need to hitch up a mule and wagon and leave civilization and Teflon-coated sauté pans behind? True, cast iron is old; it’s been around since the Middle Ages. And it is heavy. No one can dispute that even a small, cast-iron pot has a heft to it that no other cookware has. Nevertheless, cast-iron cookware has a place in today’s kitchens, and that doesn’t mean simply hanging on the wall for decoration. Cast iron has much to offer modern-day cooks; it’s easy to use, easy to care for, economical, versatile, and durable, and let’s face it, it has a nostalgic appeal that no other cookware has. But more compelling than all those reasons is that it’s a great cookware that makes great food. In fact, most cast-iron cooks will tell you that food cooked in cast iron tastes better than food cooked in anything else! Cast-Iron Cooking For Dummies is for those cooks who may want to inject a little adventure and variety into their cooking. If you’ve never even thought of using cast-iron cookware, or you have a few cast-iron pots lying around, you’ll discover all you need to know about making great food using cast iron. Here just a sampling of what you’ll find in Cast-Iron Cooking For Dummies: * Selecting the right cast-iron cookware for you * Seasoning a new cast-iron pan * Caring for your cast-iron cookware * Discovering techniques to enhance your cast-iron cooking * Enjoying cast-iron cooking in the Great Outdoors * Tons of delicious recipes, from main and side dishes to desserts and international dishes * Top Ten lists on ways to make your cast-iron cookware last longer, the best dishes suited for cast iron, and tips for achieving success in cast-iron cooking So, whether you’re a cooking novice or an experienced chef, you can find plenty of enjoyment from cooking with cast iron – and Cast-Iron Cooking For Dummies can show you the way.
Über dieses Buch zum Thema Essen und Trinken
Das Buch „Cast Iron Cooking For Dummies “ wurde erarbeitet und verfasst von Tracy Barr. Das Buch erschien am 30.10.2003 bei John Wiley & Sons.
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Gewicht | 510 g |
Größe | 23,4 × 18,9 cm |