Chosen Path of Peace Vegan Food Narratives


  • Softcover Klebebindung: 199 Seiten
  • Verlag: tredition
  • Autor: Minto Hornblower
  • Auflage: 1. Auflage, erschienen am 04.07.2023
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN-10: 3-384-20699-1
  • ISBN-13: 978-3-384-20699-2
  • Vom BAfmW empfohlenes Alter: This book is tailored for readers deeply intrigued by the intersection of food culture, social justice, and narrative discourse. It appeals to scholars and researchers exploring the evolving landscape of veganism as a socio-cultural phenomenon, particularly those interested in rhetorical analysis, narrative criticism, and activism studies. Additionally, it caters to individuals passionate about ethical consumption, sustainable living, and the pursuit of social change, providing both intellectual rigor and practical insights into the complexities of contemporary food movements. Whether seasoned academics, activists, or conscientious consumers seeking a deeper understanding of veganism’s transformative potential, this book offers a rich tapestry of perspectives to engage and inspire. Jahren
  • Größe: 22,0 x 15,5 cm
  • Gewicht: 322 Gramm

„Diving deep into the heart of the burgeoning vegan movement, this book delves into the intricate rhetoric surrounding veganism, illuminating its profound impact on both individuals and society at large. Through meticulous analysis and thoughtful exploration, it unveils the multifaceted narrative of veganism across three distinct research stages. The journey begins with a critical examination of Glenn Scott Lacey’s groundbreaking documentary, ‚Vegan: Everyday Stories‘ (2016), unraveling the evaluative belief system embedded within vegan storytelling. Drawing upon narrative and ideological criticism, the book unveils the rich tapestry of values and convictions that underpin the vegan narrative. Next, it delves into the realm of quantitative data, gleaned from an extensive online survey probing into attitudes towards food and social justice engagement. Through rigorous path analysis, the book uncovers the layers of complexity inherent in veganism, shedding light on the diverse motivations that drive individuals to challenge their dietary habits. The narrative then shifts to qualitative insights derived from intimate Skype interviews with dedicated vegans who participated in the survey. These firsthand accounts offer a profound exploration of the pivotal role of knowledge and education in the journey towards veganism, while also highlighting the transformative power of adopting an intersectional lens in advancing veganism as a potent force for social justice. Ultimately, this book not only offers a compelling analysis of vegan food narratives but also advocates for the vital role of ’storied activism‘ in refining the vegan movement. By fostering a deeper understanding of overlapping oppressions, it paves the way for a more inclusive and empathetic approach to activism, driving meaningful change on both individual and societal levels.“

Über dieses Buch zum Thema Essen und Trinken

Das Buch „Chosen Path of Peace Vegan Food Narratives“ wurde erarbeitet und verfasst von Minto Hornblower. Das Buch erschien am 04.07.2023 bei tredition.

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Eine Arbeiterin der Gelbfüßigen Hornisse Vespa velutina beim Nektarsammeln auf einer Efeublüte. (Foto: Klaus Maresch)

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Gewicht 322 g
Größe 22 × 15,5 cm



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