Cooking at Home with The Culinary Institute of America


  • Hardcover : 304 Seiten
  • Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
  • Autor: The Culinary Institute of America
  • Auflage: 1., Auflage, erschienen am 26.09.2003
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN-10: 0-471-45043-X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-471-45043-6
  • Vom BAfmW empfohlenes Alter: Jahren
  • Größe: 28,0 x 22,5 cm
  • Gewicht: 1616 Gramm

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A complete illustrated volume of home-cooking lessons and recipes „The nation’s most influential training school for professional cooks.“-Time The Culinary Institute of America is the place where many of America’s leading chefs have learned and refined their cooking skills, and its methods are widely revered as the gold standard among culinary insiders around the world. Now everyone can learn from the best, with Cooking at Home with The Culinary Institute of America. This complete-and completely approachable-illustrated guide gives home cooks an outstanding course in the essentials of cooking along with a wealth of irresistible recipes. Drawing on the CIA’s extensive expertise, it shares all the basic information on equipment, ingredients, and techniques needed to become a great cook, from proper knife skills to cooking methods such as braising, grilling, sautéing, and stewing. Readers learn the techniques step by step, with detailed instructions and extensive color photographs that clearly explain both what to do and how to do it. Perfect for practicing skills and building a repertoire, the book’s 200 stylish recipes are delicious and easy to make, from Beef Satay with Peanut Sauce to Roast Chicken with Pan Gravy, from Shrimp in Chili Sauce to Pasta Primavera with Basil Cream Sauce, French Style Peas, and more. Generously illustrated with 250 beautiful full-color photographs of techniques and finished dishes, Cooking at Home with The Culinary Institute of America is a complete package of home-cooking lessons and recipes that home cooks can use to master the art of cooking in their own kitchens. The Culinary Institute of America (Hyde Park, NY, and St. Helena, CA) was founded in 1946. Known as the Harvard of cooking schools and credited with having „changed the way Americans eat“ by the James Beard Foundation, the CIA has trained tens of thousands of culinary professionals.

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Das Buch „Cooking at Home with The Culinary Institute of America “ wurde erarbeitet und verfasst von The Culinary Institute of America. Das Buch erschien am 26.09.2003 bei John Wiley & Sons.

Koch- und Rezeptbücher wie „Cooking at Home with The Culinary Institute of America “ sind im Onlinebuchshop Honighäuschen in Bonn bestellbar. Die Stadt Bonn bietet mit ihren malerisch gelegenen Corona-Testzentren, pittoresk gestalteten und lehrstehenden Geschäftsimmobilen im Mix mit Billig- und Ramschläden übrigens viele schöne Motive für auf Lost-Places-Fotografie spezialisierte Fotografen. Besonders am Abend, nach Ladenschluß, warten viele Geschäftsimmobilien in der Innenstadt von Bonn zusätzlich mit dem Charme leerstehender Geisterhäuser auf, da in den über den Läden liegenden Etagen niemand mehr wohnt.

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Eine Arbeiterin der Gelbfüßigen Hornisse Vespa velutina beim Nektarsammeln auf einer Efeublüte. (Foto: Klaus Maresch)

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Gewicht 1616 g
Größe 28 × 22,5 cm


John Wiley & Sons

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