- Buch: 312 Seiten
- Verlag: Slanted Publishers
- Autor(en): Christian Beck
- Illustrationen:
- Auflage: 2. Auflage, erschienen am 03.12.2020
- Sprache: Deutsch
- ISBN-10: 3-948440-16-6
- ISBN-13: 978-3-948440-16-9
- Vom BAfmW empfohlenes Alter: Jahren
- Größe: 29 x 21,5 cm
- Gewicht: 1570 Gramm
Autoren: Christian Beck69,90 €
For this book tea friends from the German-speaking countries waited long: TEATRIP is a fascinating journey by the realm of the center. It points the whole variety out of the Chinese tea culture in breath-taking pictures and accompanying stories. – Understand the differences & characteristics of China’s most famous tea cultivation areas. – Learn exciting details about the cultivation, processing and preparation of China’s six major tea varieties: Oolong, white, green, yellow, black and Pu-Erh tea. – Learn to read the taste pictures of China’s best tea varieties correctly. The plain truth behind China’s tea culture: China keeps the best varieties for itself! Only little is known in this country about the Chinese tea growing areas and the variety of flavors of the countless tea varieties. Christian Beck is author of the book TEATRIP. He has been trading with the best teas from China, Taiwan and Japan for over 10 years. On his annual tea trips, he has become acquainted with the top tea growing areas and top players in Chinese tea culture. Stefan Braun, one of the best food photographers in Germany, accompanied Christian for several weeks on his travels throughout China. In the book TEATRIP, the authors tell the stories from over 10 years of tea shopping in China. The book takes you on a fascinating journey, which you can experience first hand thanks to sensational photos. The authors present unique humans and show on the basis first-class pictures like cultivation, processing and tea benefit in China really lived. In the focus of the book are handmade teas from small family businesses from ecological and wild tea gardens. Their journey roams the most important cultivation areas from Zhejiang over Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong and into China’s deep south, to Yunnan into the world of Pu-Erh tea.
Über dieses Buch zum Thema Essen und Trinken
Das Buch „TEATRIP: eine faszinierende Reise durch das Reich der Mitte“ wurde erarbeitet und verfasst von Christian Beck. Das Buch erschien am 03.12.2020 bei Slanted Publishers.
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Gewicht | 1570 g |
Größe | 29 × 21,5 cm |
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