The Dash Diet Dietary Approach Easy to Make Recipes for Staying Healthy, Eating Well and Losing Weight


  • Softcover : 100 Seiten
  • Verlag: BoD – Books on Demand
  • Autor: Maria Halsey
  • Auflage: 1. Auflage, erschienen am 29.11.2021
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN-10: 3-7557-4203-9
  • ISBN-13: 978-3-7557-4203-6
  • Vom BAfmW empfohlenes Alter: Jahren
  • Größe: 22,0 x 15,5 cm
  • Gewicht: 173 Gramm

The past few years have seen a continuous rise in interest in healthy eating, and the last couple of months specifically have seen an alarming number of people trying to lose weight. Unlike other so-called ‚diets‘, the Dash diet works by realigning your taste buds and to prefer healthier foods while reducing cravings for less nutritious foods. You’ll also learn how to choose various foods that are low in salt (aka sodium) and easy on your blood pressure! It’s a low-carbohydrate diet that doesn’t allow for excessive restriction or lifestyle modifications because they’ll make it impossible to live a healthy lifestyle with. The Dash diet can assist you in losing weight and maintaining healthy blood sugar management. This diet can assist people in losing up to 30 pounds (14 kg) in a month. This book covers: ? What Is Dash Diet? ? Why Choose Dash Diet Recipes and How to Make ? What Can You Cook? ? Useful Tips for Dash Diet Recipes/Cook ? Best Practice to Use It (Tips and Tricks) ? Different Types of Cooking ? Benefit Of Dash Diet ? Shopping List ? Simple Dash Diet Recipes ? Breakfast Dash Diet Recipes And much more. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute established the dash diet (NHLBI). It includes a sensible combination of nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Blood pressure can be reduced by following the dash diet. The dash diet is very easy to follow because it doesn’t ask you to count calories or fat grams. It just asks that you eat a variety of health-conscious and nutritious foods in amounts that will keep you full all day long, every day. This book has many recipes from which you can choose, the majority of which are low in carbohydrates, low in sugar and high in protein and healthy fats. These recipes are designed with recipes for one person’s meal plan or for those who want to lose weight. The book also has a long list of menu plans that you can choose from. It offers dieters a wide variety of options as well as substitutions for some significant ingredients. The information provided is informative and useful; it will benefit those who are already using the Dash Diet or those who would like to expand their knowledge on the subject. I would endorse this book to both beginners and more advanced dieters alike; it will help beginners adjust their taste buds, while also allowing intermediate users to learn more about the Dash Diet itself. It’s not an overly difficult diet, but it’s not as simple as a low carb diet either. I

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Das Buch „The Dash Diet Dietary Approach Easy to Make Recipes for Staying Healthy, Eating Well and Losing Weight“ wurde erarbeitet und verfasst von Maria Halsey. Das Buch erschien am 29.11.2021 bei BoD – Books on Demand.

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Gewicht 173 g
Größe 22 × 15,5 cm


BoD - Books on Demand

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