The Easy Air Fryer Cookbook Easy to Make Recipes for Beginners with Tips & Tricks to Fry, Grill, Roast, and Bake


  • Softcover : 98 Seiten
  • Verlag: BoD – Books on Demand
  • Autor: Kathleen Martinez
  • Auflage: 1. Auflage, erschienen am 23.10.2015
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN-10: 3-7543-1886-1
  • ISBN-13: 978-3-7543-1886-7
  • Vom BAfmW empfohlenes Alter: Jahren
  • Größe: 22,0 x 15,5 cm
  • Gewicht: 169 Gramm

An air fryer uses superheated air in the same way a convection oven works. Differing air frying from a standard oven, as conventional ovens simply heat the air, and convection ovens blow the air around with a fan. Since the air blows around food in a convection cooking is heated more evenly and cooks faster. Since not all kitchens are equipped with a convection oven, the countertop air fryer provides a great alternative. These days, most new full-size and built-in air fryer toaster ovens come with an air fryer function, but here’s a sad truth: Most people don’t use the air fryer function on their ovens. Why? Because they don’t know how to. Air circulation doesn’t just heat the food faster; it also accelerates all the chemical reactions that occur in cooking. The bits of butter in a pastry crust, for example, melt faster, which means they release steam more quickly, which leads to more air between layers?in other words, a flakier crust. When roasting meats, the fat is rendered and the skin is browned more quickly, sealing in juices. The meat, because it cooks more quickly, stays moist, retaining its juicy flavor. The same is true of vegetables?the dry environment created by the fan’s air circulation means the sugars caramelize more quickly, locking in moisture and providing deep, round flavor. Although Air Fryer Toaster Oven cooking seems like new, even though professional chefs have been using it for decades due to its speed and cooking/browning features. Today these ovens are easily available to home cooks at affordable prices. This book covers ? Breakfast recipes ? Vegetables and sides ? Meat recipes ? Fish and seafood recipes ? Snacks and dessert And a lot more! There are millions of Air Fryer Toaster Oven in private homes today, but people have had to figure out on their own way to adapt their favorite recipes, with varying of success.

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Das Buch „The Easy Air Fryer Cookbook Easy to Make Recipes for Beginners with Tips & Tricks to Fry, Grill, Roast, and Bake“ wurde erarbeitet und verfasst von Kathleen Martinez. Das Buch erschien am 23.10.2015 bei BoD – Books on Demand.

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Eine Arbeiterin der Gelbfüßigen Hornisse Vespa velutina beim Nektarsammeln auf einer Efeublüte. (Foto: Klaus Maresch)

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Gewicht 169 g
Größe 22 × 15,5 cm


BoD - Books on Demand

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