- Softcover : 100 Seiten
- Verlag: BoD – Books on Demand
- Autor: Kathleen Martinez
- Auflage: 1. Auflage, erschienen am 13.07.2017
- Sprache: Englisch
- ISBN-10: 3-7557-3057-X
- ISBN-13: 978-3-7557-3057-6
- Vom BAfmW empfohlenes Alter: Jahren
- Größe: 22,0 x 15,5 cm
- Gewicht: 173 Gramm
The Quick Air Fryer Cookbook Quick & Easy Air Fryer Recipes for Smart People on an affordable Budget
21,99 €
The air fryer makes everything taste a lot better. The air fryer works by driving hot air into the food you? Cooking, which is kind of the opposite of a convection oven. In a convection oven, you preheat the air in the oven, and then you introduce food that? Cooked in an environment where the hot air is already circulating. The truth is that air frying is a great way to prepare meals without having to turn on the oven or stove. Instead of using oil or butter to make food crispy, air frying uses superheated air that? Circulated around your food. The smart fryer oven works with transfer technology. Blow hot air into the cooking pan to cook food quickly and evenly on all sides. When frying your food in a smart fryer, you need a tablespoon or less than a tablespoon of oil. One bowl of fries requires only one tablespoon of oil and makes the fries crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. If you are part of the people who like fried food but are worried about extra calories, this kitchen appliance is for you. Cleaning after cooking foods is also very easy as they are designed for effortless cleaning. On top of that, they don? Take up much of your counter space and require quite less space to store. This book covers ? Breakfast recipes ? Vegetables and sides ? Meat recipes ? Fish and seafood recipes ? Snacks and dessert And a lot more! If you? Seeking to lose weight, reducing unhealthy fats in your food is a quick way to reach your goals. By preventing excessive bad fats into your body, weight loss is more effective. Even the ketogenic diet appreciates the air fryer and allows you to eat healthy fatty foods cooked by the air fryer.
Über dieses Buch zum Thema Essen und Trinken
Das Buch „The Quick Air Fryer Cookbook Quick & Easy Air Fryer Recipes for Smart People on an affordable Budget“ wurde erarbeitet und verfasst von Kathleen Martinez. Das Buch erschien am 13.07.2017 bei BoD – Books on Demand.
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Gewicht | 173 g |
Größe | 22 × 15,5 cm |