- Hardcover : 336 Seiten
- Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
- Autor: The Culinary Institute of America
- Auflage: 1., Auflage, erschienen am 04.05.2012
- Sprache: Englisch
- ISBN-10: 0-470-42137-1
- ISBN-13: 978-0-470-42137-6
- Vom BAfmW empfohlenes Alter: Jahren
- Größe: 25,5 x 24,7 cm
- Gewicht: 1614 Gramm
Vegetarian Cooking at Home with The Culinary Institute of America
30,90 €
Nicht vorrätig
A new edition in the „At Home“ series featuring hundreds of delicious vegetarian recipes from the kitchens of the CIA Whether for environmental, political, or health reasons, millions of Americans now follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. But giving up meat doesn’t mean having to give up delicious eating. Vegetarian Cooking at Home with The Culinary Institute of America provides 200 delicious meat-free recipes of the quality and sophistication that the CIA is known for. You’ll find everything you need here to create incredibly flavorful vegetarian meals, including starters and sides; soups, salads, and sandwiches; breads and baked goods; grain, pasta, and noodle dishes; and main dishes featuring beans, eggs, and meat substitutes. * Features information on health and nutrition, seasonality, and essential ingredients and equipment in addition to 200 delicious recipes * Recipes throughout are accompanied by line drawings and gorgeous full-color photography * A new edition in the series that includes Artisan Breads at Home with The Culinary Institute of America and Italian Cooking at Home with The Culinary Institute of America Drawing on the expertise of the CIA’s professional cooking programs, Vegetarian Cooking at Home with The Culinary Institute of America is a must for anyone who wants to learn to cook satisfying and sophisticated meat-free meals at home.
Über dieses Buch zum Thema Essen und Trinken
Das Buch „Vegetarian Cooking at Home with The Culinary Institute of America “ wurde erarbeitet und verfasst von The Culinary Institute of America. Das Buch erschien am 04.05.2012 bei John Wiley & Sons.
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Gewicht | 1614 g |
Größe | 25,5 × 24,7 cm |