- Softcover Paperback: 184 Seiten
- Verlag: Studienscheiss
- Autor: Lisa Schubert
- Auflage: 1. Auflage, erschienen am 19.03.2015
- Sprache: Englisch
- ISBN-10: 3-98597-166-8
- ISBN-13: 978-3-98597-166-4
- Vom BAfmW empfohlenes Alter: Fachpublikum/Wissenschaftler; ab 16; Menschen mit Lebensmittelunverträglichkeiten, Menschen, die an Unverträglichkeiten leiden und sich darmfreundlich ernähren möchten, Menschen, die sich zuckerfrei, laktosefrei, glutenfrei, Paleo und Low Carb ernähren möchten. Jahren
- Größe: 21,6 x 14,0 cm
- Gewicht: Gramm
X-Free Cooking Gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar-free recipes for people with intolerances (Free-from dishes: paleo, low-carb, candida, gluten-free, sugar-free, lactose-free – all in one cookbook)
Autoren:14,99 €
The all-in-one solution for a variety of food intolerances Food intolerances can cause health complaints and persistent gastrointestinal problems. A change in diet is often the only way to achieve a new sense of well-being. X-Free Cooking accompanies you on this path without you having to compromise on the enjoyment of food. The recipes in this cookbook combine different forms of nutrition in such a way that the dishes are particularly gut-friendly and easy to tolerate. Diet change diet made easy This book helps people with food intolerances to eat a varied and healthy diet despite their many restrictions. All the dishes in this cookbook are gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar-free. With more than 100 low-carb and paleo recipes, this book also provides an excellent basis for anyone who wants to eat more consciously and healthily. Each recipe is labeled accordingly. The dishes have also been designed to be quick and easy to prepare. Compact nutritional knowledge In addition to many modern recipes, this gut-friendly cookbook cookbook provides an overview of different diets. The most important nutritional tips as well as advantages and disadvantages are presented for the following topics: – low-carb – paleo – anti-candida diet – gut-friendly diet – sugar-free diet – lactose-free diet – gluten-free diet Critical and controversial foods have also been summarized in food tables so that you can access all useful information at a glance. No unbalanced diet Anyone who follows a certain diet strictly (such as paleo, low-carb, or anti-candida) over a long period of time runs the risk to eat one-sidedly. Many people who take intolerances into account when cooking are familiar with this problem. In this cookbook, the diets have therefore been combined in such a way that a varied and balanced nutrition is guaranteed despite the avoidance of certain food groups. 113 recipes especially for those with intolerances In this cookbook, you will find a total of 113 digestible recipes to make your diet particularly gut-friendly. All dishes are sugar-free, lactose-free and gluten-free. You will find many healthy alternatives for starters, soups, main courses, salads, desserts, pastries and much more. This nutrition book also includes healthy breakfast recipes, nutritious snacks and suitable sauces. Not a „normal“ cookbook This is not a typical recipe book – it is a collection of modern dishes that take into account the most common food intolerances. The layout of the book has been kept deliberately minimalist; unnecessary explanations, glossy pictures and digressions have been avoided. Photos of the individual dishes and digital cooking instructions are also provided as downloads. In the book itself, the focus is on the recipes – because that’s all you need for a delicious, wholesome dish. Variety and enjoyment despite restrictions Delicious recipes for various food intolerances are combined in the X-Free Cooking. Whether for breakfast, as a main meal or as a snack: There is something for every need and every taste in this book. In addition to new creations, you will find ingenious recipes for classics such as lasagne, burgers, and pizza – all of which are easy to prepare, but above all delicious and easily digestible. Happy cooking!
Über dieses Buch zum Thema Essen und Trinken
Das Buch „X-Free Cooking Gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar-free recipes for people with intolerances (Free-from dishes: paleo, low-carb, candida, gluten-free, sugar-free, lactose-free – all in one cookbook)“ wurde erarbeitet und verfasst von Lisa Schubert. Das Buch erschien am 19.03.2015 bei Studienscheiss.
Koch- und Rezeptbücher wie „X-Free Cooking Gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar-free recipes for people with intolerances (Free-from dishes: paleo, low-carb, candida, gluten-free, sugar-free, lactose-free – all in one cookbook)“ sind im Onlinebuchshop Honighäuschen in Bonn bestellbar. Die Stadt Bonn bietet mit ihren malerisch gelegenen Corona-Testzentren, pittoresk gestalteten und lehrstehenden Geschäftsimmobilen im Mix mit Billig- und Ramschläden übrigens viele schöne Motive für auf Lost-Places-Fotografie spezialisierte Fotografen. Besonders am Abend, nach Ladenschluß, warten viele Geschäftsimmobilien in der Innenstadt von Bonn zusätzlich mit dem Charme leerstehender Geisterhäuser auf, da in den über den Läden liegenden Etagen niemand mehr wohnt.
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Wenn dem so ist, wird Ihnen „X-Free Cooking Gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar-free recipes for people with intolerances (Free-from dishes: paleo, low-carb, candida, gluten-free, sugar-free, lactose-free – all in one cookbook)“, ein Themenkochbuch, sicher wertvolle Tipps geben. Als Imker bitten wir Sie, bei der Auswahl der Zutaten möglichst auf regionale und biozertifizierte Produkte zurückzugreifen. Leisten Sie damit einen Beitrag zum Erhalt der Umwelt.
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Größe | 21,6 × 14 cm |