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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - The fifth Oxford Conference was held on September 17th-19th, 1991, at the Fuji Institute of Training in Japan -the first time that the meeting has taken place in the Asian area. The facts that only a relatively few Japanese had attended previous Oxford Conferences and that Japan is far from other regions with possible participants made the organizers anticipate a small attendance at the meeting. However, contrary to our expectations, 198 active members (72 foreign and 126 domestic participants) submitted 146 papers from 15 countries. This was far beyond our preliminary estimate and could have caused problems in providing accommodation for the participants and in programming their scientific presentations. These difficulties, however, were successfully overcome by using nearby hotels, by telecasting presentations into a second lecture room and by displaying a substantial number of poster presentations during the whole period of the meeting. The meeting had two types of sessions: regular and current topics. The first paper in each session represented a shon overview or introduction so as to make it easier for the audience to comprehend the problems at issue. Because of the large number of papers submitted, carefully selected speakers (mostly well-known scholars) made excellent presentations that were followed by lively discussions. In this way, the conference laid a foundation on which to base its continued scientific success. Control of Breathing and Its Modeling Perspective 219,99 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Mach deinen Garten zum Bienenparadies! • ab ins Beet - Die Garten-Soap! • Bienengärten richtig anlegen und bepflanzen • Die wichtigsten Bienen- und Hummelarten im Porträt Bienen sind unverzichtbar für unser Ökosystem – aber ihre natürlichen Lebensräume schrumpfen immer mehr. Mach deinen Garten also zum Bienen-Hotspot und unterstütze die emsigen Bestäuber bei ihrer wichtigen Arbeit. Ob bienenfreundliche Gartengestaltung, Insektenhotel oder die besten Bienenpflanzen: Dieses Buch zeigt dir, wie’s geht. „Ab ins Beet!“-Gartenprofi Claus Scholz unterstützt dich bei deinem Projekt mit seinen besten Tipps und Tricks. So verwandelst du deinen Garten in ein Schlaraffenland für Bienen, in dem es rich tig summt und brummt. Also krempel die Ärmel hoch und ab ins Beet! Bienen willkommen! ab ins Beet! die Garten-Soap 5,99 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - This book presents a complete systematic, annotated checklist of the butterflies and larger moths of Germany (lnsecta: Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea and Macroheterocera), up-to-date with taxonomy and faunistics, including immigrants, vagrants and artificially introduced species. The bilingual text (German/English) is accompanied by 6171 high-resolution photographs on a total of 183 plates, well reflecting the variability of the 1377 species dealt with. Die Großschmetterlinge Deutschlands. The Macrolepidoptera of Germany 96,00 
× Mein genialer Bio-Balkon: Mit großartigen Pflanzenkombis & DIY-Projekten zu mehr Artenvielfalt und leckerer Ernte. #machsnachhaltig | Birgit Schattling Mein genialer Bio-Balkon: Mit großartigen Pflanzenkombis & DIY-Projekten zu mehr Artenvielfalt und leckerer Ernte. #machsnachhaltig 18,00 


Zwischensumme 339,98 

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