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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - The ‘Future World’ presents 90 song lyrics from Michel Montecrossa’s hope-giving Future World & Climate Change Concert Tour 2011. Each song is featured with easy to learn guitar chord-progressions. Michel Montecrossa says: “The ‘Future World’ topical-songs in this book and on the Audio-CD box are songs by the ‘Singing News Man’ that inspire to see the good, to live the good, to do the good. They are hope-giving songs and hope is good for effective future-building. They are 90 New-Topical-Songs about peace, human unity, future fear, change, protest, upheaval, revolution, work, fair wages, health, education, bankas, politos, consciousness, ethics and what the people need. They are good for every talk show, article, TV & radio program and concert in your town. The ‘Future World‘ book and Audio-CD box are presenting 73 English songs, 1 bilingual German-English song and 16 German songs. They document history in the making, give intelligent answers and show solutions.“ ‘Future World’ is a poetic masterpiece of songwriting by Michel Montecrossa, one of the 21st century’s greatest musician-artists.‘Future World’ unfolds its inspiring message on 271 pages with 90 song lyrics, photographs, digital art, paintings, drawings, concert posters and guitar chords.The ‘Future World’ song lyrics book goes along with the ‘Future World’ 6 CD-Box presenting the recordings of all 90 New-Topical-Songs performed by Michel Montecrossa for listening and singing along. Future World 24,50 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - 2 Tage Diät pro Woche sind genug. An den restlichen fünf Tagen kann man essen, was man will – und nimmt trotzdem ab. Das ist das Konzept des intermittierenden Fastens bzw. der 5:2-Diät. An den Fastentagen nimmt man jeweils eine Mahlzeit mit 500 Kalorien zu sich, die reich an Proteinen und Vitaminen ist, aber nur wenige Kohlenhydrate enthält. Dieses Buch liefert 50 Rezepte für diese Fastentage, versehen mit genauen Nährwertangaben. Jedes Rezept ist bebildert. Rezeptbeispiele: Gebratene Makrelenfilets Salatschüssel mit scharfen Rinderftiletscheiben Basmatireis mit Krebsfleisch Intermittierendes Fasten 9,99 


Zwischensumme 34,49 

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