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× Afrikanische Tierräume: Historische Verortungen | Afrikanische Tierräume: Historische Verortungen 39,80 
× Ein modernes Abenteuer: Einmal auf Motorrädern durch den Himalaya fahren! Martina und Mario Steiner verwirklichen sich diesen Traum Ab in den Himalaya! 12,80 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Thanks to the application of new technologies such as whole-genome sequencing,  analysis of transcriptome and proteome of insect pest to agriculture, great progress has been made in understanding the life style, reproduction, evolution and nuisance to crops caused by insect pests such as aphids, planthoppers, and whiteflies.  We believe that time has come to summarize progress and to have a glance over the horizon. In this Book experts in the field discuss novel means to increase the different kinds of resistances of plants to better limit the effects of pest, to understand and disturb the hormonal regulation of embryogenesis, molting, metamorphosis and reproduction, to determine the function of insect genes in diverse processes such as metabolism, interaction with plants, virus transmission, development, and adaptation to a changing environment. The knowledge presented here is discussed with the aim of further improving control strategies of insect pestsman" Management of Insect Pests to Agriculture 160,49 
× Von Ahlbeck auf Usedom bis in die alte Hansestadt Danzig können Sie auf knapp 490 Kilometern Ostseeluft genießen. Dabei erwarten Sie einzigartige Naturerlebnisse Ostseeküsten-Radweg / Ostseeküsten-Radweg Teil 3 14,90 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Hier kocht der Mops 7,99 
× Die großen und kleinen Inseln im "mare nostrum" Klettern Spezial - Insel Special 7,90 


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