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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Natur ist überall! Ob im Wald, auf der Wiese oder am Wasser: Für kleine Naturforscher gibt es das ganze Jahr über viel zu entdecken. Wer findet die Anzahl der Spinnen auf einer Waldlichtung heraus? Wo liegt die Lösung des kniffligen Pilz-Sudokus? Welche Fußspuren führen zu welchem Tier? Zahlreiche Malaufgaben und Rätsel hält das Mitmach-Heft „Entdecke die Natur“ bereit. Für zusätzlichen Spaß sorgen viele bunte Sticker. Und welche wunderbare Überraschung Mona und ihr Hund Jockel erleben, erfahren die kleinen Leser in der Kurzgeschichte auf der vorletzten Seite. WAS IST WAS Junior Mitmach-Heft Entdecke die Natur: Spiele, Rätsel, Sticker 4,95 
× Utah fasziniert mit Naturwundern in einer Fülle USA - Utah TravelGuide 14,95 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - The use of fossil fuels results in rising CO2 and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, causing global temperature rise and climate change that will negatively impact human health, the food supply, and eventually worsen hunger and misery. Presently, fossil fuels meet 88% of the energy demand, resulting in rising CO2/GHG emissions at alarming rates. The increased use of biofuels would help to mitigate climate change. Efficiently designing methods for the production of biofuels and plant-derived high-value products requires a deeper understanding of photosynthetic processes as a prerequisite for applying novel biotechnologies. Accordingly, this book provides ample information and a wealth of illustrative examples.The book’s eighteen richly illustrated chapters are divided into three thematic parts. I: Photosynthesis and Biomass Production under Changing Conditions, II: Microalgae and Engineered Crops for Production of Biofuels and High-value Products, and III: Genetic Resources and Engineering Methods to Improve Crop Plants. Readers will find the latest information on the molecular basis of photosynthetic processes in plants (including the regulatory principles that allow plants to maintain homeostasis under changing conditions), stress resistance and synthetic pathways. In addition, the basic principles of important biotechnologies, as well as examples of specially designed crops capable of growing under stress conditions with improved productivity, are presented.The book sets the course for future research in the field of biofuel development and production and provides both general and specific information for students, teachers, academic researchers, industrial teams, and general readers who are interested in new developments concerning the production of biofuels with value-added properties. Climate Change, Photosynthesis and Advanced Biofuels 181,89 


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