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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Erstes Stickern – Im Garten 6,99 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - This volume presents key contributions of the First National Conference on Invasive Alien Species, held in Spain in 2003. Topics included cut across all aspects of non-native species invasions. Experts from universities, public administration, NGOs and environmental enterprises and authorities on biological invasions from other countries participated in the conference, which aimed to go beyond national boundaries to tackle the complex biological issues of invasive alien species. Issues in Bioinvasion Science 128,39 
× Der Innradweg schlängelt sich auf rund 320?Kilometern durch die Alpenhauptstadt Innsbruck und mündet im historischen Passau in die Donau. Stark wechselnde Landschaftsbilder wie Hochgebirge Inn-Radweg / Inn-Radweg 2 14,90 


Zwischensumme 150,28 

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