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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Covers smut fungi (Ustilaginomycetes P.P., Exobasidiomycetes P.P., and Microbotryales) of Israel. A total of 73 species in 15 genera are described. Three genera ( Macalpinomyces, Melanustilospora, and Schizonella) are new records for Israel. The book is divided into two main parts: General Part providing data regarding environmental conditions of Israel, morpholohy of smut fungi, materials and methods, historical studies, as well as the analysis of species composition of smut fungi in Israel. Special Part (taxonomic part) providing information regarding detailed macro - and micromorphological descriptions, distribution in Israel, general distribution, and notes. Smut Fungi of Israel. 82,00 
× Die Herrscherbildnisse des Stifterfigurenzyklus im Dom Zum Hl. Kreuz in Nordhausen Die Stifterfiguren im Dom zu Nordhausen 15,00 


Zwischensumme 97,00 

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