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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - It is a distressing truism that the human race during the last millennium has caused the exponential loss of plant genetic diversity throughout the world. This has had direct and negative economic, political and social consequences for the human race, which at the same time has failed to exploit fully the positive benefits that might result from conserving and exploiting the world's plant genetic resources. However, a strong movement to halt this loss of plant diversity and enhance its utilisation for the benefit of all humanity has been underway since the 1960's (Frankel and Bennett, 1970 The Ex Situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources 192,59 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Alle lieben hübsche Schmetterlinge und süße Marienkäfer, doch was ist mit den Tieren, die unter der Erde leben und sogar Kadaver fressen? Wie zum Beispiel: Ameisen? Sie sind zwar winzig, aber sie leisten Großartiges für uns und die Natur! Diese wundervollen kleinen Krabbeltierchen fressen so gut wie alles – einschließlich Früchten, Pilzen und toter Tiere. Mit diesem Buch finden Kinder mehr über Ameisen heraus und entdecken die wunderbare Welt dieser wunderbaren und einzigartigen fleißigen Helferchen. Ameisen: Fleißige Helferchen 12,90 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - This book provides a comprehensive and interactive view of recent advances in the cytology, anatomy, and physiology of roots as presented at the 5th International Symposium on Structure and Function of Roots, held on 31 August-4 September, 1998, in Stará Lesná, Slovakia. This edition differs from previous ones by including some aspects of functional genetics and plant morphogenesis. The book is intended to serve both students and researchers as a valuable source of updated information, ideas, and concepts dealing with the most fundamental questions of development and function of plant roots. Recent Advances of Plant Root Structure and Function 213,99 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Tagebuch eines jungen Naturforschers 20,00 


Zwischensumme 439,48 

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