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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Mit diesem Werk, das für die 2. Auflage umfassend aktualisiert worden ist, können alle Heuschrecken Deutschlands und Nordtirols anhand von hervorragenden Bildvergleichen bestimmt werden. Es hebt die Hauptmerkmale durch Vergrößerungen, Hinweise und Pfeile präzise hervor und ist damit ausgezeichnet für den Einsatz im Feld geeignet. Auch kleinste Details sind gut zu erkennen und erlauben den direkten Vergleich zwischen ähnlichen Arten. Schließlich wird jede Art mit Angaben zu Lebensraum, Merkmalen und Gesängen porträtiert. Eigens erstellte aktuelle Verbreitungskarten ermöglichen einen Überblick, in welchen Regionen die Arten zu finden sind. Die beiliegende, herausnehmbare Karte dient der Schnellbestimmung. Das Buch erlaubt somit einen einfachen, aber tiefgehenden Einstieg in die vielfältige Welt der Heuschrecken. Die Heuschrecken Deutschlands und Nordtirols: Bestimmen - Beobachten - Schützen 24,95 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - The objective of this book is to make analytical methods available to students of ecology. The text deals with concepts of energy exchange, gas exchange, and chemical kinetics involving the interactions of plants and animals with their environments. The first four chapters are designed to show the applications of biophysical ecology in a preliminary, sim plified manner. Chapters 5-10, treating the topics of radiation, convec tion, conduction, and evaporation, are concerned with the physical environment. The spectral properties of radiation and matter are thoroughly described, as well as the geometrical, instantaneous, daily, and annual amounts of both shortwave and longwave radiation. Later chapters give the more elaborate analytical methods necessary for the study of photosynthesis in plants and energy budgets in animals. The final chapter describes the temperature responses of plants and animals. The discipline of biophysical ecology is rapidly growing, and some important topics and references are not included due to limitations of space, cost, and time. The methodology of some aspects of ecology is illustrated by the subject matter of this book. It is hoped that future students of the subject will carry it far beyond its present status. Ideas for advancing the subject matter of biophysical ecology exceed individual capacities for effort, and even today, many investigators in ecology are studying subjects for which they are inadequately prepared. The potential of modern science, in the minds and hands of skilled investigators, to of the interactions of organisms with their advance our understanding environment is enormous. Biophysical Ecology 90,94 


Zwischensumme 115,89 

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