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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Edition Welt der Katzen - Band II Der Ratgeber "Endlich eine Katze" beantwortet alle wesentlichen Fragen, die sich künftige Katzenbesitzer stellen (sollten). Dem Leser wird kompetent das nötige Grundwissen über die Katze, deren Anschaffung, Haltung und Pflege vermittelt. Hinweise, Tipps und viele zusätzliche Informationen zum Thema Katze runden das Buch ab. Themenauszug: Herkunft der Katze, Haus- und Rassekatzen, Anschaffung, Haltung und Pflege Ihrer Katze, kätzisches Verhalten, medizinische Versorgung. Endlich eine Katze 12,95 
× Since small mammals have a large surface to mass ratio, one would expect them to quickly dehydrate and perish at high environmental temperatures. Nonetheless, a large number of small mammal species inhabit deserts. This fascinating phenomenon is investigated by Prof. A. Allan Degen in his book. The majority of small desert mammals are rodents, but shrews of several grams and small foxes of 1 kg are also present. Their survival is due mainly to behavioural adaptations and habitat selection, however, physiological adaptations also contribute to the success. Interestingly, many small mammals that live in different deserts of the world show similarities in their adaptive traits although they have different taxonomic affinities. Ecophysiology of Small Desert Mammals 139,09 


Zwischensumme 152,04 

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