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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Increased atmospheric nitrogen deposition and changes in the management of heathlands have caused a significant change in the species composition of the NW-European heathlands. This change from ericaceous towards gramineous dominance is analysed in detail in Heathlands: Patterns and Processes in a Changing Environment. Special emphasis is put on the effects of increased atmospheric nutrient input on nutrient cycling, competition between plant species and plant--herbivore interactions. The possibilities for the long-term conservation of heathlands are discussed by considering regeneration from seed and the usefulness of mathematical management models. The book provides a synthesis of pure and applied plant ecology. It is vital reading for plant ecologists, biological conservationists, heathland managers and government decision makers. Heathlands 213,99 
× Diese Anblicke bieten sich Ihnen sonst nicht einmal vom Flugzeug aus: Wie Frauen die Welt sehen versammelt die eindrucksvollsten Bilder von Drohnenfotografinnen und zeigt Wie Frauen die Welt sehen 9,99 


Zwischensumme 223,98 

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