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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - This volume, the third of six, continues the first comprehensive English-language flora of the Russian Arctic (Norwegian Frontier to the Bering Strait). Volume III of the Flora of the Russian Arctic includes treatments of the following nine families: Salicaceae, Betulaceae, Urticaceae, Polygonaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Portulacaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Paeoniaceae and Ranunculaceae. The discussions are illustrated with 166 distribution maps. Once completed, the six volumes of the series will treat about 360 genera, 1650 species and 220 infraspecific taxa. Keys to all genera and species, as well as extensive morphological, ecological and geographical discussions of species characteristic of the Arctic are included. The comprehensive content and accomplished scholarship of the Flora of the Russian Arctic make it an essential part of the libraries of all botanists and botanical institutions concerned with research into northern plants. The Russian Arctic spans 160 degrees of longitude, from the Norwegian frontier to the Bering Strait, thus accounting for about half the circumpolar land mass at arctic latitudes. It is no longer necessary for western botanists to give inadequate consideration to the flora of this vast expanse on account of linguistic difficulties. Flora of the Russian Arctic is a translation of Arkticheskaya Flora SSSR (Flora Arctica URSS), the authoritative work of botanists of the Komarov Botanical Institute prepared under the editorship of A. I. Tolmachev and B. A. Yurtsev. This unabridged translation was prepared by distinguished systematist G. C. D. Griffiths under the editorship of J. G. Packer, Professor Emeritus of Botany at the University of Alberta. Volumes I and II are still available from the University of Alberta Press. Flora of the Russian Arctic Volume 3 127,00 


Zwischensumme 127,00 

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