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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Humic substances occur in all kinds of aquatic systems, but are particularly important in northern, coniferous areas. They strongly modify the aquatic ecosystems and also constitute a major problem in the drinking water supply. This volume covers all aspects of aquatic humic substances, from their origin and chemical properties, their effects on light and nutrient regimes and biogeochemical cycling, to their role regarding organisms, productivity and food web organization from bacteria to fish. Special emphasis is paid to carbon cycling and food web organization in humic lakes, but aspects of marine carbon cycling related to humus are treated as well. Aquatic Humic Substances 299,59 


Zwischensumme 299,59 

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Gesamtsumme 306,09  (inkl. 19,60  MwSt. DE reduced-rate)
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