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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Ideally suited to horticulturalists and plant virologists, this highly useful text offers a multidisciplinary view on one of the major diseases of tomato crops, the tomato yellow leaf curl disease. It deals with epidemiological aspects of the disease as well as integrated pest management in the field. Coverage discusses the efforts aimed at breeding tomato plants resistant to the virus by classical breeding, by marker-assisted breeding and by genetic engineering. Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Disease 213,99 
× Vom Hradschin bis zur Karlsbrücke: Mit dem MARCO POLO Reiseführer Prag entdecken Auf den Spuren des Golems durch die Straßen von Prag wandeln oder die weltweit größte Burganlage erkunden MARCO POLO Reiseführer Prag 14,00 
× Maddi unchained: Mein Tagebuch | Wolfgang Stangl Maddi unchained: Mein Tagebuch 18,57 


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