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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Pine forests face a global threat of pine wilt disease, which is being spread by vector beetles carrying pathogenic nematodes from dead trees to healthy ones. Among the host pines there are varying degrees of susceptibility, and nematode strains also contain a variety of virulences, both of which factors help to determine whether infected host trees will die or survive. As well, biotic and abiotic environmental factors influence the fate of infected trees. This book describes the history of the disease, pathogenic nematodes, vector beetles, the etiology and ecology of the disease, microorganisms involved, and control methods that utilize host resistance and biological control agents. Concrete, comprehensive, and the most up-to-date knowledge about this worldwide forest epidemic is presented for readers, enabling them to understand the nature and epidemic threat of pine wilt disease. Pine Wilt Disease 235,39 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - This book presents a complete systematic, annotated checklist of the butterflies and larger moths of Germany (lnsecta: Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea and Macroheterocera), up-to-date with taxonomy and faunistics, including immigrants, vagrants and artificially introduced species. The bilingual text (German/English) is accompanied by 6171 high-resolution photographs on a total of 183 plates, well reflecting the variability of the 1377 species dealt with. Die Großschmetterlinge Deutschlands. The Macrolepidoptera of Germany 96,00 


Zwischensumme 331,39 

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