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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Das Besondere an diesem Buch ist… ...es ist ein Leitfaden für jede Imkerin und jeden Imker, erfolgreich Bienen unter den heutigen Bedingungen und Erfordernissen zu halten. Praktisches Wissen und die Erfahrungen verschiedener Generationen, von Charles Dadant über Bruder Adam bis zu Hans Beer, sind in diesem Buch zusammengeführt und aufbereitet und stellen dieses Wissen für den Imkeralltag zur Verfügung. Nachdem Lorenzo L. Langstroth im Jahre 1851 den Beespace von 6-10 mm entdeckte und 1852 das bewegliche Rähmchen zum Patent anmeldete, waren die Grundlagen für die heutige moderne Bienenhaltung im Magazin gelegt. Charles Dadant setzte diese Entwicklungen in die Praxis um und entwickelte daraufhin die in diesem Buch beschriebene Magazinimkerei. Als Bruder Adam nach einer geeigneten Beute zur vollen Ausschöpfung der Leistung seiner Bienenköniginnen in einem Brutraum suchte, griff er auf die quadratische Dadant-Beute mit 12 Rähmchen zurück. Hans Beer studierte und übernahm die Betriebsweise von Bruder Adam. Er komplettierte und ergänzte sie um das Wärmebett auf dem Gitterboden, das Trennschied und die Betriebsweise im Angepassten Brutraum. Im Ergebnis bildet diese Entwicklung das heute gültige Handwerkszeug für eine zeitgemäße, bienengerechte und wirtschaftliche Bienenhaltung. Ein großer Teil der Berufs- und Nebenerwerbsimker im deutschsprachigen Raum arbeitet inzwischen nach diesem System. Aber auch unter den Freizeitimkern etabliert sich diese Art der unkomplizierten, modernen und artgerechten Bienenhaltung zunehmend. "Beurteilen wir in den Errungenschaften der Zukunft die Vergangenheit, gibt es fortwährend Möglichkeiten für neues Wissen und endlose Gelegenheiten des Fortschrittes." C.P. Dadant Handbuch für die erfolgreiche Imkerei von Camille Pierre Dadant bis zum Anngepassten Brutraum nach Hans Beer 38,00 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Chemielogistik bedeutet mehr als nur Lager- und Transportlogistik. In Bezug auf Sicherheit und Umweltschutz hat die Branche hohe Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Transportaufwand und Anspruch an eine spezifische Verteilung werden immer komplexer. Die Chemielogistik muss sich den wachsenden Herausforderungen der modernen globalisierten Welt stellen. Diesen Ansprüchen begegnen die Autoren, ausnahmslos Spezialisten in der Chemielogistik, mit intelligenten Investitionsmodellen - die Ideen und Ansätze zur gezielten Weiterentwicklung der Branche erstrecken sich dabei auf die Bereiche: - Markt und Wettbewerb, dem Chemielogistiker in besonderem Maße ausgesetzt sind - Unternehmensführung, wo die Geschäftsmodelle zwischen Standortlogistikern, Speziallogistikern und Konzernlogistikern erheblich differieren - Prozess- und IT-Bereich, der von den hohen und speziellen Anforderungen der Chemieindustrie geprägt ist Herausgegeben von einem führenden Experten der Chemielogistik bietet das vorliegende Buch Praktikern die ideale Hilfestellung, eigene Prozesse in der Strategie- und Unternehmensentwicklung mit neuen Ideen anzureichern. Mit aktuellen Interviews aus der Industrie (Bayer MaterialScience Customer Service GmbH, A.C.P. Logistics GmbH, Dachser GmbH & Co. KG) Chemielogistik 89,00 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - The Forest Regeneration Manual presents state-of-the-art information about current regeneration practices for southern pines in the United States. Over 1.2 billion seedlings of five major species -- loblolly, slash, longleaf, sand, and shortleaf -- are planted each year.In 22 chapters, the Manual details fundamental steps in establishing successful young pine plantations: regeneration planning, including economic and legal aspects Forest Regeneration Manual 406,59 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - The primary objective of this book is to offer practical means for strengthening the economics and policy dimension of the agroforestry discipline. This book, written by the leading experts in economics and agroforestry, encompasses case studies from Australia, China, Kenya, India, Indonesia, Malawi, Mexico, Micronesia, Tanzania, United Kingdom, United States, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The applied economic methodologies encompass a wide variety of case studies including enterprise/farm budget models through Faustmann models, Policy Analysis Matrix, production function approach, risk assessment models, dynamic programming, linear programming, meta-modeling, contingent valuation, attribute-based choice experiments, econometric modeling, and institutional economic analysis. It is our belief that these methodologies help agroforestry students and professionals conduct rigorous assessment of economic and policy aspects of agroforestry systems and to produce less biased and more credible information. Furthermore, the economic and policy issues explored in the book – profitability, environmental benefits, risk reduction, household constraints, rural development, and institutional arrangements – are central to further agroforestry adoption in both tropical and temperate regions. All of the chapters in this volume were subject to rigorous peer review by at least one other contributing author and one external reviewer. We would like to acknowledge the indispensable collaboration of those who provided careful external reviews: Ken Andrasko, Chris Andrew, Peter Boxall, Norman Breuer, Bill Hyde, Tom Holmes, Sherry Larkin, Jagannadharao Matta, Venkatrao Nagubadi, Roz Naylor, Thomas Randolph, Gerald Shively, Changyou Sun, Bo Jellesmark Thorsen, and Yaoqi Zhang. All reviews were coordinated by the book editors. Valuing Agroforestry Systems 199,98 
× Central Amazonian floodplain forests are an unique and endangered ecosystem. The forests grow in areas that are annually flooded by large rivers during mean periods of up to 8 months and at depths of up to 10 m. Despite this severe stress, these forests consist of over 1,000 species and are by far the most species-rich floodplain forests worldwide. The trees show a broad range of morphological, anatomical, physiological, and phenological adaptations that enable them not only to survive the adverse environmental conditions, but also to produce large amounts of biomass when the nutrient levels in water and soils are sufficiently high. This is the case in the floodplains of white-water rivers, which are used for fisheries, agriculture, and cattle-ranching but which also have a high potential for the production of timber and non-timber products, when adequately managed. Latest research on ecophysiology gives insight how tree species adapt to the oscillating flood-pulse focusing on their photosynthesis, respiration, sap flow, biochemistry, phenology, wood and leave anatomy, root morphology and functioning, fruit chemistry, seed germination, seedling establishment, nitrogen fixation and genetic variability. Based on tree ages, lifetime growth rates and net primary production, new concepts are developed to improve the sustainability of traditional forest managements in the background of an integrated natural resource management. This is the first integrative book on the functioning and ecologically oriented use of floodplain forests in the tropics and sub-tropics.It provides fundamental knowledge for scientist, students, foresters and other professionals on their distribution, evolution and phytogeography. “This book is an excellent testimony to the interdisciplinary collaboration of a group of very dedicated scientists to unravel the functioning of the Amazonian Floodplain forests. They have brought together a highly valuable contribution on the distribution, ecology, primary production, ecophysiology, typology, biodiversity, and human use of these forests offering recommendations for sustainable management and future projects in science and development of these unique wetland ecosystems. It lays a solid scientific foundation for wetland ecologists, foresters, environmentalists, wetland managers, and all those interested in sustainable management in the tropics and subtropics.” Brij Gopal, Executive Vice President International Society for Limnology (SIL). Amazonian Floodplain Forests 246,09 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - The importance of a complementary approach to animal health is highlighted in this book, with core themes encompassing reviews of traditional veterinary medicine for common diseases afflicting livestock, as well as local practices in different areas of the world. The book includes chapters on ethnoveterinary medicine used to prevent and treat ticks and tick-borne diseases, infectious diseases and parasites. Ethnoveterinary practices in parts of the world which have not been comprehensively reviewed before are highlighted, including Estonia, Belarus and the Maghreb - the north-western tip of Africa. A fascinating account of African ethnoveterinary medicine and traditional husbandry practices is provided by a veteran in the field with a wealth of practical experience in the area. Neglected areas of research involve the relationship of ethnoveterinary medicine with environmental, ethical, cultural and gender aspects, and leading experts explore these issues. The book is intended to provide an informative compilation of current research and future prospects in ethnoveterinary medicine, which hopes to inform and encourage investigations in new directions. Sustainable development requires a concerted effort to combine indigenous knowledge systems with scientific research to improve animal health. This is the case not only in rural areas where access to orthodox veterinary health care may be limited, but also against the backdrop of antibiotic resistance and increased demand for alternative and complementary therapies to enhance the health of both production and companion animals. Students, academics and veterinary professionals will find this book a useful addition to knowledge on present and future aspects of ethnoveterinary research. Ethnoveterinary Medicine 235,39 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - This volume provides methods on different aspects and applications on plants, algae, photosynthetic bacteria, synthetic construct design, and multiplex cloning. Chapters cover multiple aspects of synthetic metabolic, photosynthetic systems, metabolic and signaling pathways, advanced engineering of metabolic networks, isolation of organelles and co-culture of microorganisms, and methods for the on command manipulation of the relative stability of proteins. Written in the format of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, each chapter includes an introduction to the topic, lists necessary materials and reagents, includes tips on troubleshooting and known pitfalls, and step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols.Authoritative and cutting-edge, Plant Synthetic Biology: Methods and Protocols aims to be a useful resource for both researchers starting to explore novel experimental avenues as well as for experts willing to expand their portfolio of tools and strategies. Plant Synthetic Biology 181,89 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Guck mal, wer da ist! So wohnen Krabbeltiere 10,00 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Angler gehören zu den Menschen, die sich am häufigsten draußen aufhalten. Schade nur, dass es bis heute keinen speziell auf den Angler ausgerichteten Outdoor-Ratgeber gab. Jetzt ist er da: Dieses Werk behandelt alle relevanten Outdoor-Themen. Hierzu gehören Tipps für die Reisevorbereitung, Anleitungen fürs komfortable Übernachten am Wasser, aber auch der Umgang mit gefährlichen Tieren, wie Zecke, Kreuzotter oder Grizzly. Ein Überlebenswerk, das in keiner Anglertasche fehlen darf. Outdoor-Ratgeber für Angler 9,95 


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