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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Meine Betriebsweise mit der modifizierten 12er-Dadantbeute 22,90 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Three hundred and seven taxa of algae belonging to 87 genera und 35 families, 18 orders and 5 phylum, e. g. Cyanobacteria (Cyanophyta), Euglenozoa, Ochrophyta, Chlorophyta and Charophyta were reported from the coastal regions of Orissa State, India. Samples were collected at regular intervals from several freshwater bodies e. g. ponds, dams, lakes, canals, rivers, lagoons, streams, sewage, road side ditchs, hot spirngs, waterlogged rice fields etc., and soil crusts covering an area of approximately 7,900 km2, analysed for algal forms and each of the taxa recorded was described. Of these, 25 species (6 of Cyanophyta, 3 of Euglenozoa and 16 of Chlorophyta) are reported for the first time from India. Taxonomic enumeration of each taxa along with its place of occurrence and habitat are presented. Soil and freshwater algae from coastal region of Orissa state, India 73,00 


Zwischensumme 95,90 

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Gesamtsumme 102,40  (inkl. 6,27  MwSt. DE reduced-rate)
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