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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - In Heme, Chlorophyll, and Bilins: Methods and Protocols, an interdisciplinary panel of hands-on investigators describe in detail how to work successfully with chlorophyll, heme, and bilins in biological, medical, chemical, and biochemical research. Each method is presented by a researcher who actually uses it on a daily basis and includes step-by-step instructions and pertinent tricks-of-the-trade that often make the difference between laboratory success and failure. Topics range from methods for the analysis of tetrapyrroles,heme, and hemoproteins, to the biosynthesis and analysis of chlorophyll and bilins. Heme, Chlorophyll, and Bilins 181,89 


Zwischensumme 181,89 

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Gesamtsumme 188,39  (inkl. 11,90  MwSt. DE reduced-rate)
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