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× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Systematische Bestimmungstafeln von Deutschlands wildwachsenden und cultivirten Holzgewächsen und den für sie wirklich schädlichen Insectenarten 54,99 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - This open access book discusses the current role of smallholders in connection with food security and poverty reduction in developing countries. It addresses the opportunities they enjoy, and the constraints they face, by analysing the availability, access to and utilization of production factors. Due to the relevance of smallholder farms, enhancing their production capacities and economic and social resilience could produce positive impacts on food security and nutrition at a number of levels. In addition to the role of small farmers as food suppliers, the book considers their role as consumers and their level of nutrition security. It investigates the link between agriculture and nutrition in order to better understand how agriculture affects human health and dietary patterns. Given the importance of smallholdings, strategies to increase their productivity are essential to improving food and nutrition security, as well as food diversity. The Role of Smallholder Farms in Food and Nutrition Security 42,79 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - This open access book is based on work from the COST Action “RESTORE - REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy'', and highlights how sustainability in buildings, facilities and urban governance is crucial for a future that is socially just, ecologically restorative, and economically viable, for Europe and the whole planet. In light of the search for fair solutions to the climate crisis, the authors outline the urgency for the built environment sector to implement adaptation and mitigation strategies, as well as a just transition. As shown in the chapters, this can be done by applying a broader framework that enriches places, people, ecology, culture, and climate, at the core of the design task - with a particular emphasis on the benefits towards health and resilient business practices. This book is one step on the way to a paradigm shift towards restorative sustainability for new and existing buildings. The authors want to promote forward thinking and multidisciplinary knowledge, leading to solutions that celebrate the richness of design creativity. In this vision, cities of the future will enhance users’ experience, health and wellbeing inside and outside of buildings, while reconciling anthropic ecosystems and nature. A valuable resource for scientists and students in environmental sciences and architecture, as well as policy makers, practitioners and investors in urban and regional development. Rethinking Sustainability Towards a Regenerative Economy 42,79 
× Honighäuschen (Bonn) - Tabby ist auf der Flucht und entschlossen, das Geheimnis ihrer Herkunft zu entschlüsseln. Warum zieht das Meer sie fast schon gewaltsam an? Woher kommt dieses andere, wildere Ich, das manchmal die Kontrolle übernimmt? Und weshalb jagt “Der Kreis”, eine Gruppe von Umweltterroristen, sie so unerbittlich? Die radikale Geheimorganisation hält nicht nur Tabby, sondern die ganze Welt mit weiteren Klima-Anschlägen in Atem: verheerende Hurrikans, brechende Staudämme und brennende Kohlekraftwerke lassen die Menschen verzweifeln. Während sich der Himmel blutrot verdunkelt, tauchen Tabby und ihre Freunde Denzi und Jago immer tiefer ein in einen gefährlichen Komplott. Nicht ahnend, welche wichtige Rolle sie dabei noch spielen werden … Red Sky Burning (Bd. 2) 20,00 


Zwischensumme 160,57 

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